I can gladly offer both individual and group courses in English as well. As with the regular individual and group courses, the location and topic can also be chosen individually.

Individual courses in English are available starting from 2 hours and cost €329 for 2 hours for private individuals. After that, the rate is approximately €145 per hour (including VAT). For companies, the rate is €145 per hour (excluding VAT). The additional fee for a possible second participant is minimal.

Custom group courses in English are available upon request.

A flat fee will be charged for travel.

Fields of Application:

  • Instruction in English
  • Special topics that are not covered in any regular photography course.
  • Learn photography where it is needed – at a location of your choice.
  • Tips for your new camera. Collect tricks from a professional during a joint tour.

Course Details:

  • Duration: starting from 2 hours
  • Participants: minimum 1, maximum 3
  • Timeframe: throughout the year, Monday to Thursday until 6 PM, specific day by arrangement
  • Travel: within Vienna approximately €15-30, further travel by arrangement or according to mileage, excluding parking fees


2-hour individual course in English

€ 329
€ 429 for two participants

3-hour individual course in English

€ 429
€ 529 for two participants

Individual course for companies in English

€175 (excluding VAT) per hour

Nächste Termine

zur Zeit keine Termine verfügbar
In den Warenkorb hinzugefügt


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